Financial and enrollment status in Cheney

CHENEY – At the recent Cheney School Board meeting on March 13, Jenna Larson took the floor to deliver a comprehensive report on the district’s financial status and enrollment figures. Larson’s insights shed light on the current state of affairs and provided valuable context for future planning.

Larson began her report by addressing enrollment figures, noting that the actual numbers were slightly below initial predictions. “Our numbers are just below what we predicted,” Larson remarked.

Specifically highlighting enrollment figures for Kindergarten and 5th grade, Larson revealed that there were around 380 students enrolled in Kindergarten, whereas the prediction had been 400. Conversely, in 5th grade, there were 400 students enrolled, surpassing the initial prediction.

Addressing budgeting concerns, Larson mentioned that the district had budgeted for running start but received fewer resources than anticipated.

Larson touched upon various financial aspects, including insurance information and expenditures related to the Uniform Cost Accounting System (UCEF). She highlighted the need for cautious financial planning, emphasizing a more conservative approach to budgeting.

Larson also provided updates on expansion initiatives, mentioning initial staffing needs for new additions on-site and ongoing job postings to meet staffing requirements. These efforts underscored the district’s commitment to accommodating growth while ensuring quality education delivery.


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