Sports / My Side Line View

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  • Dirt Dawgs filling the gap

    Paul Delaney, Cheney Free Press|Updated Jun 5, 2024

    There are several cogs in the machine that propels baseball’s recent success in the area, most notable the West Plains Little League. But a new addition arrived in 2020 that has helped fill the middle school gap, that being the Medical Lake Dirt Dawgs. The idea of a program that reaches primarily ages 13 to 15 jumped into founder Lance Michaud’s mind after he arrived in Medical Lake with the U.S. Air Force in 2019. A former college player, Michaud landed at Fairchild as its Food Superintendent and was surprised at what he...

  • My oh my, the Owyhee!

    PAUL DELANEY, Cheney Free Press|Updated May 23, 2024

    Its name comes from the most unlikely source. The solitude that surrounds it is immense. And the ever-changing river corridor scenery is, perhaps, unparalleled? A just right El Niño winter weather pattern where the storm track punishes California sometimes rewards whitewater rafters with both perfect water and weather on Oregon’s Owyhee River. Flowing 280 miles, the headwaters of this river originate in northern Nevada with the Owyhee’s name derived from an original spel...