Contract for animal control in Medical Lake

MEDICAL LAKE – The council discussed the continuation of the contract with Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service (SCRAPS) at the meeting on February 20.

Sonny Weathers, the city manager, said that the 2020 contract is current, and that there’s an 180 day written notice required to terminate the contract. Citizen complaints will all be handled within five business days, and annual performance and service utilization is provided.

The purpose of the contract is licensing dog and cat control behavior, impounding, and licensing for inherently dangerous animals.

The cost is 50% of the population of the city, and 50% of all service. Shelter service is based on 20% of the population, and 80% of impounded animals. Licensing revenues are subtracted from the cost.

“Every municipality in Spokane County uses SCRAPS,” he said.

Author Bio

Clare McGraw, Reporter

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Clare is an Eastern Washington University graduate and a reporter at Free Press Publishing.


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