Cheney boys roll in cross country

Ferris girls outdistance Blackhawks

CHENEY – The cross country team got one final tune-up before district competition by cruising past Ferris, Gonzaga Prep and Ridgeline in a Greater Spokane League meet at home Oct. 17.

The Blackhawks’ boys had five of the Top 6 finishers and put six runners in the Top 10, scoring 18 points to 68 for Ferris, Prep’s 74 and Ridgeline’s 81.

Ferris’ 28 points outdistanced Cheney (52), Ridgeline (68) and Prep (73) on the girls’ side over the 5,000-meter course.

“Both the guys and girls handled their business on the course,” head Coach Derek Slaughter wrote in an email.

Cheney’s Calvin Hilton ran a 16...


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