Unable to survive in wild

SPOKANE VALLEY – A Spokane Valley educational facility, the West Valley Outdoor Learning Center is asking for the public's help in finding a missing Great Horned Owl.

Marcus was last seen around Pasadena Park Elementary near Argonne and Upriver Drive on Oct. 14.

The owl was being handled by caretakers when he escaped and flew away.

He is imprinted on humans, meaning he relies on people for feedings and general care.

Marcus is in danger for several reasons according to the center.

When he disappeared he was wearing leather straps on his legs. Those dangle and could become caught and tangled in power lines or fences.

Marcus, the missing owl is an educational animal that fell from his nest when he was an owlet, and humans habituated him by taking him in rather than to a rehabilitation center.

According to the center, because of that Marcus likely won't survive in the wild.

Anyone that sees a Great Horned owl with leather anklets on is asked to message the West Valley outdoor learning center on Facebook, or call the West Valley School District at (509)-922-5478.

Author Bio

Matthew Stephens, Reporter

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Matthew graduated from West Virginia University-Parkersburg in 2011 with a journalism degree. He's an award-winning photographer and enjoys writing stories about people.


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