Letters to the Editor

Reader supports Long for council

I have known Rebecca Long for more than 20 years.

In that time, I have watched her succeed in everything she puts her mind to. A fellow (Eastern Washington university) Eagle and a champion for impactful causes—always standing up to be a voice for others—Rebecca gives generously of her time and talents in our community.

Cheney deserves leaders like Rebecca, who have our best interests at heart while representing our needs, and shepherding our shared resources.

She knows transparency is key to a thriving legislative body — something I personally believe is sorely lacking in this city. Improving communication between our representatives and the electorate serves all of our interests, and increases participation in the processes and policies that impact all of us.

Our great city has so much untapped potential that a strong, capable and selfless representative like Rebecca knows how to mobilize. Her understanding of technology, commitment to philanthropy, partnerships with Eastern and ability to make connections will keep her moving Cheney forward as a newcomer to the council, not just warming the seat.

Vote Rebecca Long for better transparency, for steady progress, for better judgment and a better Cheney.

Sam Buzby, Jr.


Reader supports Long and Belock

It is my pleasure to write this letter in support of candidates Rebecca Long for Cheney City Council Position No. 2 and Jacquelyn Belock for Cheney City Council Position No. 6. Both candidates are a breath of fresh air who want to increase transparency and bring the council into the 21st century, increasing access for community members. They bring passion, energy, and the voice of a new generation, as well as relevant skills in STEM that will be directly applicable to city government.

Rebecca and Jaquelyn celebrate and champion Cheney’s unique strengths and assets, while also being aware of our city’s potential to continually improve and be a place where everyone can thrive. They both recognize the importance of a city council that is committed to two-way communication and is responsive to the needs and concerns of community members.

We need council members who take their responsibility to the people who elected them seriously, and who are more concerned about doing what’s best for our city and the people in it than getting through a meeting as quickly as possible. Rebecca and Jaquelyn are willing to put in the work because they love our city. They deserve your vote!

Corinna Donnerberg


Medical Lake

Who do you trust?

I’m not thinking of political leaders. I’m referring to people.

Whether they go to church is as irrelevant as their political party. What matters is whether they put their beliefs above evidence. Do they put tribe above truth?

If they are unwilling to look at evidence, then the answer is beware. We all choose what we believe. But if we’re unwilling to put evidence above ourselves, we can’t even trust ourselves. We’re all tempted to do it.

You know who I am talking about because we are related to them. They are our friends and neighbors. They are nice people.

All propogandists know if you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it.

We witness today the ease of spreading lies. Millions believe the last presidential election was stolen based on allegations without evidence.

Joseph Goebbels once said, “The more absurd the lie, the more people will believe it.”

Voltaire wrote during the reign of terror following the French Revolution over 200 years ago: “If you can get people to believe absurdities, you can get them to commit atrocities.”

Remember Jan. 6. Times may have changed. But people haven’t.

If you have been following the evidence, you know the former president knew he lost the 2020 election while he was (and still is) telling people he didn’t. He knows his audience.

He actually has two: Those who believe what he says because they need to be lied to; and those who don’t care if it’s true because they want power.

James Tweed

Ocean City, NJ


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