Cheney City Council Seat 6 Jaqueline Belock

1) Some residents have concerns about the re-zoning and potential development of the land around the trailer court along 1st St.

Do you support this? Please explain why or why not.

I supported the rezoning from commercial to mixed use/residential prior to the discovery of a massive diesel leak in Minnie Creek. We have a massive housing crisis in our region and less restrictive zoning is a step in the right direction. However, I was and still am a vocal opponent to the redevelopment of the North Cheney Trailer Park. I won’t support the displacement of 50+ homes and families in our community, further contributing to the growing unhoused population in Cheney. A better solution is to support the UGA land swap to accommodate future growth.

2) Railroad activity may be increasing as the region grows.

What ideas would you present to help the community grow with direction to accommodate more traffic and potentially more traffic interruptions?

I would support the much needed land swap. Our current UGA boundary includes a large portion of protected wetlands making development next to impossible, both physically and economically. This portion of our UGA is also on the south side of the tracks. With an increase in train traffic, it is illogical to continue growth in that direction, as emergency services could be severely delayed in the event a train is crossing during an emergency. The land north of town is buildable and unlike the land to the south, could support the needs of our growing population.

3) Some residents have concerns about a potential homeless population in Cheney.

Are you aware of those concerns, and what ideas do you have to help minimize the growth of a homeless population and help the current homeless population in Cheney?

I am aware of these concerns regarding the growing homeless population in Cheney.

Increasing our housing stock by adjusting zoning and allowing for alternative housing options will help stabilize housing prices. Cheney used to be an affordable place to live with ample housing options across all economic tiers. We now have a shortage of available dwellings and what’s on the market is unaffordable for those on a fixed income. As for helping the current homeless population in Cheney, I don’t have an immediate solution that doesn’t require radical change. We can however prevent further homelessness through sensible policy and planning.


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