Voting Democrat will make things worse

Letter to the Editor

I was born in Spokane and raised on a small ranch west of the city. My parents were lifelong Democrats.

In the 1940s and 1950s, the Democrats had a much different party. Let’s look at today. If you vote for Democrats every selection, here are a few things you should know and consider:

In 2015, I paid $1.87 for a gallon of gasoline. Today, I filled up at $4.86 per gallon.

You voted for that.

Our cowardly president surrendered in Afghanistan, killing 13 fine young marines and abandoning thousands of Americans.

You voted for that.

Our economy has collapsed and may people are not able to make ends meet, even working two jobs.

You voted for that.

We are about to lose the dollar as the default currency.

You voted for that.

We are $40 trillion in debt and printing money that is backed by nothing.

You voted for that.

Do you think it is about time to realize that the Chinese Communist Party has taken over the Democrat Party? It is time to wake up and smell the roses.

Many of you are farmers. The Democratic farm bill is spending 78% of the money on food stamps for people who don’t work – only 16% goes to help farmers.

I’m not telling you how to vote. But if you are happy with the way things are going today, just keep voting Democrat and things will get much worse.

Del Carmen



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