Roundabout project for Cheney
CHENEY — The Council unanimously approved, with one abstention, a resolution to sign a consultant agreement for the North Sixth Street and Betz Road Transportation Improvement Board Roundabout project at its regular meeting on Aug. 22.
The Council, through Resolution F-177, authorized the Mayor to sign the consultant agreement with Parametrix Engineering.
This agreement awards $132,000.00 for preliminary engineering and bidding services for the roundabout Project.
This expenditure represents a portion of the total budgeted funds, $1,074,283.00, and will be used to survey and study the site as well.
According to documents provided on the city website, a Transportation Improvement Board consultant agreement is required for grant funding for 90% reimbursement.
In January of 2023, the Council voted unanimously to enter into a funding agreement with Washington State Transportation Improvement Board to secure $966,854.00 in state funding for the North 6th and Betz roundabout project.
The resolution states that the city will enter into a fuel tax agreement with the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board in exchange for the aforementioned funding.
The board will make the funds available for planning and building of the roundabout as expenses are incurred.
“If, for whatever reason, we don’t design and build this roundabout, they will take our fuel tax which we get every year. That’s the agreement.” Public works chair Todd Ableman said.
Councilman Vincent Barthels said “I use that intersection every day and I’m having a little trouble visualizing how a roundabout would fit there.”
Ableman responded by saying that he would present council with regular updates on the design of the project as it was developed.
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