Three arrested after driver rams deputy vehicles

SPOKANE VALLEY – Three people were arrested on June 19 after an incident in which the driver of a Chevy S10 pickup truck rammed police vehicles according to a recent report.

The driver later identified as 29-year-old Walker G. Morgan was arrested and booked into the Spokane County Jail for two counts of Assault 2nd Degree and Attempting to Elude a Law Enforcement Vehicle.  His total bond was set at $75,000.

Spokane Valley Deputies responded to the 6200 block of E. Mallon for a reported suspicious vehicle. 

According to reports the caller stated a Chevy S10 pickup was parked on the northeast side of the lot, and when he and another employee moved closer to investigate, he heard a firearm slide being racked. 

He explained he recognized the sound and believed someone in the vehicle was armed.  He requested that the person(s) be contacted and trespassed from the location.  

While en route to the location, SREC Dispatchers advised deputies there was a 1989 Chevy S10 listed on the hot sheet (recent list of stolen vehicles), but without a license plate of the suspicious vehicle, it was unknown if it was reported stolen.

When deputies arrived, they located the S10 parked between two trailers and a garbage dumpster.  They observed a male in the driver’s seat and a male and female standing beside the truck on the passenger’s side. 

Deputies activated the emergency lights of their fully marked patrol cars and moved to block all avenues of escape, as it is well-known people committing crimes in vehicles try to flee often. 

Morgan put his truck in reverse and slammed into one occupied, fully marked patrol car.  He pulled forward and threw it in reverse again, hitting another occupied, fully marked patrol car.   

As this happened, a 20-year-old man, Jonathan M. Hovland, and a 37-year-old woman, Kaysy A. Larsen (AKA Marquette), standing on the passenger’s side of the truck, backed up to a fence according to reports. 

Fearing for their safety, Deputy K. Bitzer called to them, ordering them to move to a safer location where they were detained as other Deputies focused on Morgan’s violent actions.

After realizing his attempt to flee was futile, Morgan surrendered and was safely taken into custody.  Reports show Morgan was advised of his rights, but declined to answer questions. 

Attempts to contact the registered owner of the vehicle were unsuccessful, and it was not reported as stolen.  The S10 was impounded for additional investigation and safekeeping, pending contact with the registered owner. 

Hovland’s name was checked, and Deputies learned he had multiple misdemeanor warrants for his arrest.  He was found to be in possession of four pills, believed to contain Fentanyl and drug paraphernalia. 

He was issued his second drug treatment referral and arrested on his warrants.  Upon arrival at the jail, he was declined by jail medical staff due to medical reasons.  He was provided medical assistance and released, and his warrants remain active according to reports.  

Reports noted Hovland was arrested on April 4, 2023, and May 25, 2023, for the exact same three charges and was released on his own recognizance by the courts on both occasions. 

Larsen was also arrested for an active Stevens County Organized Retail Theft warrant.  Larsen was asked if she had any drugs and denied having any in her possession. 

Once in the jail, Corrections Officers located six pills, believed to contain Fentanyl, in a small pocket in the waistband of her yoga pants.  Reports show the pills were collected as evidence, and she was charged with Prisoner in Possession of Drugs, a felony.


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