Cheney officers should be exonerated

Letter to the Editor

I read with interest the Cheney Free Press headlines regarding Capt. Nate Conley and Sgt. Rocky Hanni being placed on administrative leave based upon their performance, efficiency, and scheduling concerns. The charges allegedly occurred when both officers worked directly for me. You would think that I would be contacted to provide a statement as to what I observed, but sadly I was not.

I had daily contact with both officers, and I can attest to their superior performance. They both performed their duties meeting or exceeding my expectations as chief of police and to suggest otherwise is nonsense. These two fine officers worked under difficult conditions, without adequate staffing in terms of administrative support and investigative assistance. The department has needed a detective and administrative assistance for decades. My pleas made during 11 years of budget requests were rejected time and time again.

Since Capt. Conley and Sgt. Hanni met or exceeded my expectations as the chief of police, no blame can be attached to their performance and/or conduct. Consequently, I shoulder full responsibility for their performance, actions and conduct. Therefore, these officers should be immediately ‘exonerated’ of all charges and allowed to return to work.

John D. Hensley, Chief of Police (Ret.)


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