Looking Back

20 years ago

Nov. 21, 1996

Monument to get updated

When the women’s Relief Corps raised nearly $400 in less than a year in the 1920’s, it was proof that our country’s history was very important not only to the ladies, but to everyone who donated money. The $400 monumnet which they shortly erected to commemorat veterans of three wars — Civil, Spanish-American and the Great World War — stood in the middle of a park the city spent $1 to buy.

Now, nearly 80 years later, the local VFW post is going to complete the project and give the monument a little tender loving care. City Park has been a part of Cheney since the city puchased it from the county in 1892, according to records from the Parks and Recreation Department. Ths city got away with paying so little because they promised to keep it as a park and they did.

Casino approval held as more input sought

The approval of the proposed Kalispel Casino in Airway Heights took an unexpected sidestreet last week, veering onto Governor Lowry Avenue. The long awaited yea or nay from Bruce Babbit, the U.S. Secretary of the Interior, is apparently on hold. A month has elapsed since the end of the 30-day comment period during which the Bureau of Indian Affairs queried Cheney, Medical Lake and other nearby towns and cities about the effects the proposed casino might have upon them. According to the Washington state Gambling Commission Chairman Edward Heavey, Babbit has asked Governor Lowry to take a second read of public opinion about the casino.

50 years ago

Nov. 18, 1971

Free, Reduced Lunch Prices Offered to Cheney School Kids

The Cheney School District announced the policy that free and reduced price lunches again will be available to eligible children under provisions of the National School Lunch Act. Accoering to guidelines of the National School Lunch Act, free lunch means that a standard type A lunch, is received without charge. Reduced price means that the lunch will be served for 15 cents to children in grades one through six and 20 cents to children in grades seven through 12. Standards of eligibilty are based upon gross family income. All parents in the School District have been sent notuce of the eligibilty requirements and an confidential application for free or reduced price lunches.

Bill’s Fills Expanded to Cheney

Bill Whitmer, an independent oil company distributor handling Conoco products in the Medical Lake area, has expanded the area of circulation to Cheney. Effective in September, the owner of Bill’s Fills took possession of the Conoco Service Station and distributor location on First Street in Cheney. To better serve the public with all Conoco petroleum products, keep fill service and furnace-air conditioning installation and repair, the experienced distributor decided to expand to Cheney. Whitmer has been in the fuel business for eight years.


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