Senate bill smells of critical race theory

Letter to the Editor

The last couple of Cheney School Board meetings, they received comments by citizens on curriculum such as Critical Race Theory and sex ed. I tried to remember back to all the meetings I have been to and I could not remember a time that the board actually discussed specific curriculum at an open meeting.

In fact the board rarely discusses anything at the meetings. The public is hard pressed to even know what are the specifics of what is on the agenda. The agenda is very vague, and you have to ask for more details. No wonder regular citizens are usually not present.

In the case of the Critical Race Theory, it is being denied that it is being taught. And sure enough in the implementing bill (ESSB 5044) by our legislature the phrase is never mentioned, however the elements of Critical Race Theory are throughout the bill.

Shakespeare said it best in Romeo and Juliet, “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

Bill Johns



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