Cheney City Council nixes power deal

Proposed sale to Kootenai Electric Cooperative would have resulted in larger loss to the city than originally negotiated

Power issues were on display at the Cheney City Council's Jan. 13 meeting, the first of 2015.

The main issue swirled around what to do with one megawatt (MW) of Tier Two power the city purchased in 2012 through its partnership with other electrical utilities from the Northwest Intergovernmental Energy Supply via the Closed Resource Pool. NIES purchased a total of 3MW from Shell Energy in 2012 for use through Sept. 30, 2016 at a price of $40.92 per megawatt hour (MWh) based upon projected load requirements from members at the time.

Both Cheney and the city of Centralia, also a member of the gro...


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