Reps. Parker and Holy host telephone town hall conversation Jan. 23

Sixth District state legislators Kevin Parker and Jeff Holy are looking for input on issues facing the Legislature via a telephone town hall Thursday, Jan. 23 to speak directly with constituents back home.

“Our telephone town halls are a great way to utilize technology to stay in touch with the folks back home and really get a feel for where they are on some of the critical issues we’re dealing with in Olympia,” Parker, R-Spokane, said in a news release. “The feedback and participation we’ve had from these events has been phenomenal. I hope Sixth District residents are able to tune in.”

The telephone town hall will begin at 6:30 p.m. and last one hour. At any time during the call constituents can call toll-free (800) 759-5308 to join the conversation. They will have the option to listen in, or press * (star/asterisk) on their phones to ask a live question of their representatives.

“I really enjoy this opportunity to speak directly with the people whom we serve,” Holy, R-Cheney, said. “Talking to them early in session allows us to understand what’s on their minds and what we should be fighting for. I look forward to hearing from many people on a variety of topics.”

The 60-day session is scheduled to run through March 13.


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