Cheney City Council Seat 6 Pete Montague

Each candidate was asked to answer three questions for publication. These are the responses from Pete Montague.

1) Some residents have concerns about the re-zoning and potential development of the land around the trailer court along 1st St.

Do you support this? Please explain why or why not. Yes, I do support this. Property owners should have the right to do as they see fit with the property they own if the proper legal channels are followed. It matters not if I agree or disagree with the business that goes in, it is the property owner’s choice. If someone does not agree with it, they should buy it from the landowner and do as they see fit.

2) Railroad activity may be increasing as the region grows.

What ideas would you present to help the community grow with direction to accommodate more traffic and potentially more traffic interruptions? Railroad traffic is a concern especially south of town. Something will need to be done with continued growth to the south. What this is I am not certain but it will probably need to be some sort of overpass to get traffic and emergency services to the south side of the tracks. I am somewhat surprised this was not already addressed when the growth to the south started.

3) Some residents have concerns about a potential homeless population in Cheney.

Are you aware of those concerns, and what ideas do you have to help minimize the growth of a homeless population and help the current homeless population in Cheney? I am extremely concerned about the homeless population becoming more of an issue in our community. I believe that the homeless population we see is largely a byproduct of drug addiction. With our state having more lenient laws on drug possession and use this problem will increase. As a community we all need to do a better job of policing our neighborhoods. The public needs to make doing bad things unacceptable again, and give our police the power to do their jobs.


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