Politicians should be dependent on the people

Letter to the Editor

Freedom requires the politicians “to be dependent on the people alone,” (Federalist Paper No. 52, ¶2).

When politicians are dependent on political parties, which are controlled by “a handful of tyrannical nobles,” government becomes the servant of the billionaire class, (Federalist Paper No. 39, ¶4).

Lately, the state has laid claim to having the authority to control every aspect of an individual’s life. On any trumped-up pretext, the state has assumed the power to place the people under house arrest, to close the church doors, to censure speech, to rob people of their livelihood, to mandate and coerce people into injecting experimental gene therapy drugs, and to persecute those who oppose this tyranny.

To regain our lost freedoms, we must shift the dependency of the politician off of the big money and onto the people who are entitled to vote for that particular politician. Only those people who can vote in an election should be involved in that election’s electoral process. In other words, if you cannot vote in an election, then stay out of it: no corporate money, no PAC money, no money from outside of the electoral district, etc. — just the people alone. This would shift the dependency of the politician onto the people whom the politician should be representing.

James Madison stated that representatives “ought to be dependent on the people alone.” Our only path to freedom is to shift the dependency of the politician onto the people.

Roger Whitten

Deer Park


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