Vote no for the third time

Letters to the Editor

I urge all voters in the Cheney School District to vote against the $52 million, 21-year bond proposal AGAIN, which will be on the Feb. 14 ballot.

I have lived in Cheney and been a property owner for more than 50 years. The voters in the Cheney School District have been very generous and supported almost all bond and levy proposals in the past; CSD just built one new grade school and two new middle schools thanks to the voters.

The district was asked to consider lowering the bond proposal and give the taxpayers a break. Instead, they chose to increase the bond proposal. I think this demonstrates a complete disregard for the voters in this district.

Also, the city of Airway Heights council has considered declaring that they would not support this proposal. It’s already cost $90,000 to put this on the ballot three times.

Cheney School District, what part of “no” don’t you understand? You obviously have no respect for the taxpayers and voters of this community. Stop trying to cram this proposal down our throats. I will vote NO for the third time.

Arlene Mowatt



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