Community makes ninth Turkey Trot a success

On behalf of the Cheney High School Cross Country program, we would like to thank the community of Cheney for their support of our ninth annual Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. There were over 500 walkers, joggers or runners present for this community event which benefits not only the Cheney Food Bank, but also our cross country program at Cheney High School.

We would like to especially thank our sponsors:  Cheney Federal Credit Union, Domino’s, Owl Pharmacy, State Farm Insurance, ParaSport, Safeway, Snap Fitness, McDonald’s, Hilton Realty, Rosa’s Pizza, Cheney Free Press, Cheney Realty, Copy Junction, Dr. Jake DaBell, Apex Physical Therapy, Cheney Feed and Tack, Yokes Fresh Market, Varela & Associates, Inc., Mitchell’s Harvest Foods, Stadium Sports and Cheney firefighters for their support and commitment to make this Turkey Trot possible. Our thanks are also extended to our Cheney High School administrators for the use of the high school facilities that day. 

Thank you as well, to the numerous volunteers who helped us with registration and setup of the course that morning and to the Cheney Fire Department who send us off with the siren to officially begin the race. We are so grateful to our wonderful community for helping us continue this community activity. We are already making plans for our 10th Turkey Trot next year to be a truly special, fun-filled event. We hope to see you there!

Jay Martin

Joan Hisaw


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