Qualifications, freedoms should be based on substance

Letters to the Editor

Rose Kline’s letters (8/4/16 and 11/17/16) disqualified Donald Trump on points involving words or actions. With much criticism of his words I agree. With much criticism of his motives and actions I find only opinion and emotion, not substance.

Our Constitution allows personal choices and so do I. Consitutional disqualifications for the presidency (Article II, Section 1) number only three: age, country of birth, time of residency.

Rose (8/4/16) spoke of a country based on love, fairness, trust, security and freedom. I prefer our country’s Constitution as founded on and derived from the legal basis for separation from England — the Declaration of Independence — which states: “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God Entitle Them, (emphasis added) a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

“The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,” when properly implemented, will result in love, fairness, trust, security and freedom — not because they are merited but, rather, entitled.

Can Trump fix America’s problems? Since Rose “could not justify voting” for Trump, she likely voted for Hillary Clinton. Did she ask whether Hillary could fix our problems? Did she list all of Hillary’s moral and legal shortcomings — both proven and conjectured? Did she ask if Hillary deserves to be president?

Rose, the Declaration speaks of the pursuit of happiness, not of deserving happiness. Yes, immigrants have that right, but not on their terms. Our terms are set in immigration laws. The homeless, for example, have a right to pursue happiness — but not in your house without your consent.

Worried about Old Glory’s into morphing the hammer and sickle? Try comparing the platform of the Democratic Party with the Communist Mainfesto. Consider Hillary’s mentors and heroes (communist Alinsky, KKK leader Byrd, eugenicist Sanger), Bill’s mentor (segregationist Fulbright), or Obama’s mentor (communist Frank Davis Marshall).

As with every president, be vigilant.

Don Horner



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