Telling mom about stepson better done sooner than later

Hi Celeste,

I am currently dating a woman with a son. We get along great. He’s a good kid. My mom wants to meet my girlfriend but I haven’t dropped the knowledge about the son. Should I let my mom know right away or wait until she meets them?

Lee W.

Dear Lee,

You need to let your mom know, the sooner the better. Surprising your mother with something that important is ill advised. If the relationship is serious and mom sees that you are happy, she will most likely welcome a step grandchild with open arms, if that is where the relationship is progressing.

If you don’t tell her and she is caught off guard at the first meeting, you could be in for some rough conversations, hurt feelings, and broken trust issues. There are a lot of obstacles that come with a new relationship and kids that are in the mix, such things as the child’s dad and other half of the family. Having your mom in the know and on your side, you can never go wrong and she will always want

what’s best for you. Now go talk to your mom — alone.

Hi Celeste,

I’ve been fighting for a couple of years now. I’ve just been offered a match on three weeks notice. I won my last fight pretty easily. Should I take this bout? How should I approach training?

Douglas “Dirty Deeds” D.

Dear “Dirty Deeds” Doug,

Congrats on your win! Training for a fight is all consuming, it’s a physical and emotional workout that takes time and effort. If you feel that you are ready and prepared for the next fight in three weeks, by all means accept; mental preparedness is a huge majority of the fight.

I would however, consider your skill level and that of your last opponent.

What is his tale of the tape? Weigh your decision more so on if you are prepared for either outcome. You are the only one who can make the decision. Talk to your trainers or sparring partners and get their input, this should weigh heavily on what you decide. You can only get better with more practice and bouts. Experience is key.

Celeste is a homegrown wise soul from right here on the West Plains. To ask her a question on any subject, within reason and proper decorum, send her an email at


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