Letters to the Editor

New students need to take animal safety into account

If you have—or get—a dog or a cat, it is important that it be spayed or neutered, you take it with you when you move from Cheney, or you find a responsible new owner for it.

Many pets are left on their on or with a well-meaning but neglectful person. These abandoned animals have a hard time surviving, especially in the cold of winter. They breed, and their offspring are wild. If not taken in, most of them suffer and die.

If you care for animals enough to want one, please think twice about getting a kitten or puppy, unless you plan to take it home after your time at EWU. They really can't live well on their own.

Bonnie Haines


The real meaning behind the true business of politics

An undisclosed person has told me, “Those who are in the business of politics should change the name of their profession. Because poli in certain languages means ‘lie' and tics are blood sucking creatures.” And there you have it: Politics.

Luella Dow


Population growth could be solved with less childbearing

The population of the world has increased steadily over the last 50 years. In particular the state of Washington's populations increased approximately three-fold since 1960.

Attendant with the population increase – for many people in the northwest United States – is an increasing concern about future problems caused by an ever-increasing population.

(And, by my reckoning there is a problematic and very tangible geographical fact associated with increased population in the state: There is now only six acres per resident in the state.)

How might the “libertarian,” who does not want a government solution to curb future population increases, deal with population control?

My thought is this: There would be a substantial slowing of future world population growth if all the women in the world decided voluntarily to have zero children for five years, the same five-year time period, some time in the next 10 years; assuming after this five-year period people continued having children in a similar manner.

Dana G. Hansen


Thanks for Cheney EMT quick response

I'd like to thank all of the wonderful people in Cheney who sent cards, called with good wishes and visited me after me recent heart attack. A special thanks goes to the quick response of our EMTs. Because of their professional work I'm looking forward to a complete recovery.

Roy Coumbs


Fire District 3 put out fast fire response

I would like to publicly thank Fire District No. 3 for their quick and aggressive response to an explosive fire in a barley field on my place on Andrus Road last Sunday, Aug. 26.

The fire was put out without any major damage to any structures, trees or even the barley crop. It could have been much, much worse without that quick response.

I want to thank all the volunteer men and women who helped and all the taxpayers who provided the money for the equipment. It was volunteers and taxpayers' money working together at their best.

Merrill Brown



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