ML author publishes new book on Lazarus



Col. Chuck Lehman has launched a new book, “Lazarus Arise.” You open it to the first page and read, “I know that voice…Where is it coming from?...Why is it so dark?” Who is this confused man? Why is he in a dark place? You'll find yourself picking up the book again and again until you hold the last page.

Lehman has the ability to draw readers from the bustle and business of ordinary life to the wonders of events that happened in Biblical times. He brings our attention to Jesus as a little boy. Lazarus is one of his playmates. Had you ever thought of Jesus as a little boy with playmates?

As young men, Jesus and Lazarus have to take on more and more of the responsibility of their father's business and finally to shoulder it all. You'll find out why.

We watch as sister Martha tries to draw the poison from a sliver of metal lodged in Lazarus' hand. Will she be able to make him well? We see the fiery red streaks of infection traveling upwards toward Lazarus' shoulder. We witness the anxiety on the sister's faces as the outcome nears.

We become one of the bystanders as Jesus calls Lazarus from the tomb. There are scoffers a-plenty in the audience. Scoffers will always be with us. Perhaps scoffers are second cousins to Pharisees.

Remember Asher, the Roman Soldier, from Lehman's last book? You'll meet him again as he becomes a friend and helper to Lazarus.

You'll see Lazarus hiding behind a tree as Jesus is crucified on Golgotha. His wrenching sorrow consumes him at the death of Jesus, his beloved friend. And then, he is filled with joy to know Jesus is alive.

You will be introduced to villains and page-turning narrow escapes. You'll want to shout, “Don't go that way. They'll catch you!”

You'll sigh with relief as heartbreak and trials are followed by peace and joy.

“Lazarus Arise” beckons you to pick it up. It challenges you to put it down.

It's a treat on a summer day with a comfortable chair and the shelter of an umbrella.

“Lazarus Arise” is available in book stores, on Amazon and Kindle and from CALCO Books, 13811 S. Finney Street in Medical Lake.

Luella Dow is a Cheney-area author who can be reached at [email protected].


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