Warm feet because of donations, warm hearts

I wish to express my extreme gratitude to all of you that gave donations of socks thru the Cheney Dollar Tree Store in March.

We raised $815, used to purchase 1,826 items. People donated 1,781 socks of various sizes, along with gloves, hats, scarves and even a shirt. It was through the giving attitude of people in the Cheney, Medical Lake and Airway Heights area that made nearly 2,000 pair of socks available during the month of March to school children in your neighborhood.

I would like to thank the Cheney Dollar Tree Store for remembering “Warm Heart Warm Feet” when it came time to choose a charity to sponsor, especially Lindsay who shared my idea with her manager, Crystal, Boyd, Bryan, Danielle and all the employees that pushed for the donations. God has sure blessed this ministry.

To all of you wondering what you can do to help, consider this: There are greater needs than socks. Check into what you can do at food and clothes closets, and get involved in your community, you will be blessed. The Union Gospel Mission averages 15 changes of clothing per day, that's 5,400 socks, shoes, underwear and other clothing items per year. Thank you again for your generosity. God Bless.

Scott Rushing Sr.

Windsor Baptist Church



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