Writer's Workshop


Carol Beason

1 January 2022

I don’t make New Year’s resolutions because I am fickle and they don’t work for me. Empty promises. So I focus on what I want to get rid of instead. A favorite way of releasing stuff cluttering up my mind is to rely on an old release ritual that has been in practice for a very long time. Right around the Winter Solstice, up to the first part of January, or the darkest part of night, is the best time to shed the unwanted in order to make way for the new; however it can be performed anytime. This exercise can be done alone or with friends, family or other group settings. If you want to try this, here are a few things that work for me. First choose a place to de-stress. Have paper, pen, a burning bowl, matches, a glass container to house a white candle, a metallic pen that can write on glass and your favorite item that calms you down, or just improvise. Then take a few minutes to calm down, concentrate on breathing, and let go of stress. When you feel calm, write down what you want to release. These things can be actions that no longer serve you, thoughts, emotions like judgment, worry, hatred, jealousy, concerns with your job, relationships, addictions, or whatever you want to shuffle off to the ether. Search for areas in your life that no longer have a use and let them go. Affirm that whatever needs to be released will surely be released. When you feel that you have written down all the things that you want to release, place the paper in the burning bowl and set fire to it or you can just shred it and discard it. Tell what you have written to be gone and let go or make up your own release statement. This is a releasing technique that frees your spirit of stress. Believe it is working and it will. Using the metallic pen, write all that you are grateful for on the glass container which can be whatever you can think of, family, our city, friends, jobs, skills, health, faith, or nature, etc. Light the candle and see the light shining through your words, a reminder of your beautiful spirit. Give thanks. Now take up another piece of paper and write down all the gifts you will contribute to the world in the next year that will make this a better place with your shining light. These are things that only you can give, like love, honesty, forgiveness, faithfulness etc. Attach the paper to your favorite item so that you can refer to the list throughout the year and add to it if you choose. Now make a statement of helping, giving, healing, sharing or whatever resonates with your spirit. May 2022 be productive, loving, and glorious for you. “Guide for Spiritual Living” and “The Joy of Family Rituals” -Barbara Biziou


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