Cheney High School sending five to Girls' State in June

Five Cheney High School students will be attending the annual Evergreen Girls' State conference, June 11-17, in Ellensburg. The conference is held on the campus of Central Washington University.

According to information from Cheney's American Legion Auxiliary, Evergreen Girls' State is a nationwide Americanism and government training program sponsored by the Auxiliary. The program is for girls who have completed their junior year in high school.

Attending from Cheney will be Brette Draper, Kiersten Gasper, Anya Howko-Johnson, Evarosa Perry and Rachel Souminen.

The program allows young women an opportunity to live together as self-governing citizens while providing instruction in the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of American citizenship. Through participation, young women gain a better understanding of the function of their government and responsibilities they will assume as they become adults.


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