
Cheney Congregational Church

Today (May 24) we provide lunch to street kids at Crosswalk in Spokane.

Thursday choir practices are discontinued until fall. However, the choir will sing one more time this spring, on Sunday, June 3. If you are a community member who would like to provide us with music during the summer, please write to Kate Francis at

Men of the church will gather at 7:45 a.m. for breakfast and conversation this Sunday at Cheney Marketplace Bakery & Eatery.

Sunday services have coffee hour following, around 11 a.m., in the fellowship hall. We’d like to have you join us. We are a congregation of people in all phases of our faith journey. Having questions doesn’t preclude one from being a believer. All are welcome here.

Pastor David Krueger-Duncan’s sermon will be “The Paper Calf: How People Tend to Worship the Signpost to God.” The scripture will be Exodus 32:1-24.

Emmanuel Lutheran Church

The congregation of Emmanuel Lutheran Church invites you to worship with us this Sunday, May 27. Christian education for grade school through adults begins at 9 a.m. Coffee hour follows the worship service.

You may also watch our pastor’s sermons on YouTube at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Cheney.

All are welcome to visit Emmanuel’s Little Free Library and Free Community Pantry located at 639 Elm St. Donations of books, non-perishable food, and personal care items are always accepted. Both are open to the community 24/7.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

A welcoming haven, nourishing all God’s people in body, mind and spirit. The Rev. Christine Soule will preach and preside this Sunday.

Attention all college students: The Episcopal, Lutheran and Methodist Campus Ministry, ELM, meets each Monday evening at 5 p.m. for dinner, study and worship and invites all college students to join us. For more information contact Soule at (509) 844-2553.

Fellowship breakfast is each Thursday at 7:30 a.m.

Choir practice is each Thursday at 6:15 p.m., continuing under the direction of Alexandra Rannow. Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Saturday at 11:30 a.m. in the parish hall.

We are once again preparing our vegetable garden boxes, looking forward to bringing fresh, healthy vegetables to the Cheney Food Bank this spring and summer.

For your contemplation: “The Church is one body. Paul writes ‘We were baptized into one body in a single Spirit.’ But this one body has many parts. As Paul says, ‘If they were all the same part, how could it be a body? As it is, the parts are many but the body is one.’ Not everyone can be everything. Often we expect one member of the body to fulfill a task that belongs to others. But the hand cannot be asked to see nor the eye to hear. Together we are Christ’s body, each of us a part to play in the whole. Let’s be grateful for our limited but real part in the body.” – Henri J.M. Nouwen.

United Methodist Church

Please join us this Sunday at the United Methodist Church as we welcome guest pastor, Katy Shedlock.

Shedlock is currently pastor of the startup church, The Studio, out of Audubon Park UMC. She will continue the sermon series based on the musical cantata, “Our Father,” by Pepper Chaplin.

Sunday school classes will not meet this Sunday but will meet one more time on June 3 before recessing for the summer.

You may call the church office for additional information and study opportunities. Come and be a part of this vibrant church community.


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