Tax cut is fair because it rewards those who pay the most

There seems to be no end to those upset with the new tax laws that will take effect shortly. The common thread of complaint is it favors the haves over the have nots and therefore is not “fair.”

Whatever “fair” is.

According to Pew Research, in 2015 over 80 pecent of the federal income tax was paid by less than 17 percent of the top earners in the population. In 2016, the Tax Policy Center reports 43.9 percent didn’t pay any income tax.

Those that pay the most taxes are getting most of the reduction in their taxes, which seems fair to me. So, is a Robinhood-type system of taking from the rich and giving to the poor the desire of those who are upset?

What is fair about that? Is that the basis of our country, constitution and economic system?

We are better when we fully support those that cannot take care of themselves due to mental or physical disabilities. To those who are able, however, we’re no better when we don’t encourage initiative and self-reliance. It harms us as a society, and those that become dependent.

Let’s not forget where we’ve recently been. In comparing the years 2008 to 2015, household income was lower, millions more were on food stamps and the GDP never grew at a rate greater the 3 percent. On top of that we went $10 trillion in debt.

Performance like this does not give me much optimism for my grandchildren and I think it’s time to try other policies. There’s no evidence the redistributive policies of the previous administration or of Lisa Brown will enhance anyone’s independence, freedom and self-reliance. Quite the contrary occurs in fact.

In closing, I’ve attached two quotes I think are appropriate and provide some guidance. First, from Karl Marx: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” Marx’s’ philosophies have proven to be a failure, proven by the millions who have been subjected to poverty and despair in communist regimes.

The second quote is from Margaret Thatcher, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

Wise words indeed.

Wayne Gebhardt



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