Thrift Store Treasures

Writers Workshop

I love finding treasures, whether it be at thrift stores, or estate sales, or even in my own home when I’m clearing and cleaning and decorating.

I’ve written about our trip to Norway where we raided all the Fretex thrift stores in every city we visited, and hauled home a duffle bag full of Norwegian sweaters for everyone in the family, and some extras as well.

The seaters were souvenirs of our trip and continue to enrich my life every winter, whenever I wear them.

I also love my collections, most of which are from estate and garage sales, though some are gifts. My dragons can be found everywhere in my house. But mainly are on a shelf in the great room, and in my jewelry box. My favorite item has to be the rug I found for sale on the second day of an estate sale. I bought it for half the tagged price, because it was the second day. It is beside my bed and I see it every night and every morning.

Having almost had everything burn up last August, I’ve spent some time thinking about how tied I am to my house and its contents. If everything were to perish suddenly, What would I do? How would I cope? A good friend was bemoaning her excess stuff, saying she sometimes wished for a fire and she would not have to decide what to keep and what to get rid of. That is a pretty radical idea. After all, we can’t take it with us when we die. And we all die someday.

Having read The Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, I’m aware that much of my stuff does not appeal to my kids or grandkids. When I die, they will likely sell at an estate sale or be donated away. I won’t care at that point. But I don’t want my things to be a huge burden to my husband or my kids.

One of these years, I’ll have to get serious about what to let go of.

Maybe when I turn 80?


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