Vote yes on Feb. 13 ML for school district levy

Letter to the Editor

On Feb. 13, Medical Lake schools face an important election. By voting yes for the levy proposals on the ballot you will guarantee our schools stay strong.

There are two proposals on the ballot this year. The first is a three-year Educational Programs and Operations levy that will maintain many important programs and staffing for our classrooms. It is a replacement levy.

The Medical Lake School District Educational Programs and Operations Levy supports many educational programs and activities such as band, choir, after school programs and athletics. It is what helps provide the children of our community an excellent education.

Both of my grandchildren participate in many of our levy supported programs like cross country, basketball, track, robotics, “Math is Cool,” STEM as well as drama. They also have had the opportunity to gain experience with tablets, iPads and laptops to make sure they are ready for the electronic age we now live in. They certainly help their grandpa with it too!

The second proposal is a capital projects levy that will improve security in all of the schools as well as provide the district the ability to make necessary repairs to infrastructure such as roofs, playgrounds and HVAC systems.

The good news is that we can support our schools without a local tax rate hike. The cost of the Educational Programs levy is $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed property value and with the state match will provide our district with approximately $2.5 million per year.

For the capital levy the cost is only 40 cents per $,1000 of assessed value for a combined rate of $1.80. Compared to other districts in our county and state, we are getting a great deal for what we are asked to pay.

The Medical Lake School District is a great place for children to learn. We must continue our support of schools to ensure that all students reach higher standards. I have been a proud member of this community since 1962 and know we support our schools!

Please join me by voting “Yes” on Feb. 13, so that all of our children receive the best education possible.

Russ Brown

Medical Lake


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