
Cheney United Church of Christ

Pastor David Krueger-Duncan will preside at the Cheney United Church of Christ service on All Saints Day, Nov. 1.  Communion will be served Nov 1 and all first Sundays at UCC.  All are welcome to participate in our open communion service.  You are invited to join us for this and every Sunday service at 10 a.m. A coffee hour follows in the church fellowship hall.

 Like to walk? A social-wellness walking group meets each Thursday at 9 a. m. at the church.  All walkers are welcome regardless of their walking pace.  Perhaps we’ll see you there this Thursday, Oct 29.

 Other activities you might like to participate in include men’s breakfast each second and fourth Sunday (next one on Nov. 8) at the Marketplace Bakery and Deli, and lunch bunch each second Thursday at the church fellowship hall (next on Nov. 12).  Bring a potluck dish to share and have lunch with the lunch bunch at noon on second Thursdays. 

Our church bazaar is Saturday, Nov. 7 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the church fellowship hall.  There will be many wonderful items to purchase and a delicious hot soup lunch will be served.  Many loving hands from women’s fellowship members and others are working hard to present this outstanding event. 


St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

A welcoming haven, nourishing all God’s people in body, mind and spirit.

Holy Communion Sunday at 11 a.m. The Rev. Christine Soule will preach and preside.

Attention all college students: join us each Monday at 5 p.m. for dinner, discussion, study and devotions. Fellowship breakfast is each Thursday at 7:30 a.m. Come, bring a friend and enjoy good fellowship. The choir meets each Thursday at 6 p.m. for practice. Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Saturday at ll a.m. in the parish hall.

Looking ahead, we will hold our annual church bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 7, along with several other churches in our community.

For your contemplation: “The nonviolent approach does not immediately change the heart of the oppressor. It first does something to the hearts and souls of those committed to it. It gives them a new self-respect: it calls up resources of strength and courage that they did not know they had. Finally, it reaches the opponent: and so stirs his conscience that reconciliation become reality,” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

United Methodist Church

Sunday morning worship is at 10 a.m. at the United Methodist Church. The Rev. Alissa Bertsch Johnson will continue a sermon series based on “The Five Marks of a Methodist: The Fruit of a Living Faith.” This week she will speak on “A Methodist Gives Thanks.”

Holy communion will be celebrated during the worship hour. This Sunday is also the start of a month long canned food drive. Please give generously.

Sunday school classes are at 8:30 and 9 a.m. each Sunday morning. Call the church office at 235-4600 to find out about other study group opportunities.


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