Neil Edward Kottwitz

Neil Edward Kottwitz, 79, of Phoenix, Ariz. passed away May 4, 2015. He was born to Otto and Marjorie Kottwitz April 22, 1936 in Peabody Kan.

In 1954, Neil graduated from Sunnyside, Wash. High School and did undergraduate studies that took him to Westminster Choir College, Washington State College and he earned his master's degree at Whitworth College. Neil was a jack-of-all-trades working on a dairy farm, driving Trailways buses, farming crops and ultimately finding a gratifying career as an elementary school teacher.

Neil married Mary Kottwitz in 1985 and moved to Medical Lake where he and Mary resided until 2009. Neil retired in 1999 from the Medical Lake School District where he taught for 30 years at Blair Elementary School.

In retirement Mary and Neil moved to Phoenix, Ariz. where he enjoyed spending time with his family, traveling, going to baseball games and picking up his granddaughter from school each day. He loved the outdoors and enjoyed camping, boating, golfing and playing softball.

Neil was a very loving husband, father, brother, grandfather and friend. He is survived by his wife, son Randy Kottwitz, daughters Judy and Debbie Kottwitz and stepchildren Scott Welding and Monique Black. He is also survived by his brother, Don Kottwitz, sister Janet Doggett, his three granddaughters Kate Welding, Kaila Kottwitz and Kristen Kottwitz, his grandson J.D. Kottwitz, two great grandsons and many nephews and nieces.

His quick wit and caring heart will remain with those he touched. We are forever grateful for his guiding and loving hand in our lives.


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