
Cheney Community Church

On Thursday, May 7, at 7 p.m., Cheney Community Church will host a National Day of Prayer event. The public is cordially invited to join us in praying for the needs of our community, state and nation. This corporate prayer time will focus on seven specific spheres: government, military, business, education, media, family and the church, all of which can be greatly strengthened through the power of prayer.

This coming Saturday, May 2, is our monthly women’s breakfast. Meet at 8:30 a.m. in the lower fellowship hall.

On Wednesday, May 6, the AWANA Club will feature “Red, White and Blue Night” to highlight the character trait, “courage,” in honor of all who serve in the armed forces, and as first responders for police and fire.

Sunday worship services are at 10 a.m. with nursery care for infants, toddlers and children’s church for elementary age. Middle school and high school teens meet at 8:50 a.m. Visitors are welcome. Small groups meet during the week.

United Church of Christ

The suspense will finally end for the Secret Pals when they meet each other and reveal their identities after church on this last day of Sunday school until fall. Kids, be sure to pick up your camp scholarship application from Jane Yarwood.

 Mark your calendars for the Youth Plant Sale which funds the scholarships, on May 9 the day before Mother’s Day.

 All are welcome to the open communion service on Sunday, May 3, led by pastor David Krueger-Duncan. Childcare is available. Afterwards, coffee and snacks will be served in the fellowship hall.

United Methodist Church

Many thanks to all who performed at and attended the “Methodist Got Talent Show” this past Sunday. Crop Walk and the Cheney Food Bank were both generously supported by this event.

This Sunday worship at the United Methodist Church is at 10 a.m. and is preceded by Sunday school classes at 9 a.m. Pastor Alissa Bertsch-Johnson will continue a sermon series on gifts of the spirit. Holy Communion will be celebrated.

Sunday the adult fellowship will gather at the home of Carol and Chuck Kriegh for a Bloomsday barbecue. Hamburgers and buns will be provided for the 6 p.m. event. Just bring a side dish and join in the fellowship.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

A welcoming haven, nourishing all God’s people in body, mind and spirit. Holy Communion at 11 a.m. The Rev. Christine Soule will preach and preside.

Attention college students: Each Monday at 5 p.m. you are invited to join us for dinner, study and devotions.

Narcotics Anonymous meets Tuesday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall. Fellowship breakfast is each Thursday at 7:30 a.m. in the parish hall. Come and bring a friend.

For your contemplation: “If the unity of Christians in One Body makes the Church a sign of God in the world, and if people tend unfortunately to conflict and division by reason of their weakness, selfishness and sin, then the will to reconciliation and pardon is necessary if the Church is to make God visible in the world. Nor can this pardon, this communion in forgiveness, remain interior and invisible. It must be clearly manifest. So the mystery of the Church demands that Christians love one another in a visible and concrete way…Christ will not be visible to the world in His Church except in proportion as Christians seek peace and unity with one another and with all people. But since conflict is inevitable, unity cannot be maintained except in great difficulty, with constantly renewed sacrifice, with lucid honesty, openness, humility, the readiness to ask forgiveness and to forgive,” Thomas Merton.


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