Take a closer look at alternative approach

Letters to the Editor

Cheney has incredible teachers and schools. The high school may be in need of additional classrooms but I find most of the other items on the bond to be excessive.

Bill Johns’ alternatives to the school bond are informative and well researched. I agree with Chris Stewart’s letter that the financial impact on voters with two bonds to pay off is not affordable for many people.

Students have eaten lunch sitting in the hallways for as long as I have volunteered there the past 20 years. It is their choice and comfort. The gym situation can be solved with rotating practices. Many schools in our league use this schedule as well as GSL schools.

A new theater is a luxury. CHS has numerous alternatives at Eastern and although it may not be the high school it is a wise and excellent alternative for student productions. 

The parking situation possibly needs to be addressed. This can be accomplished by investigating how often the portables are used. Are they all used six hours a days? Are they all necessary?

Additionally, I agree with Chris that smaller community meetings are in order to answer these questions. School board meetings do not have the necessary time for this dialogue. 

We passed our M & O levy, which is money well spent.

We all need to think long and hard re: a $44 million bond for a refurbished high school. The move of the district offices to the country was extremely expensive and I do not feel we were informed properly about that decision nor the costs involved. 

I am a staunch supporter of public education, teachers, and good facilities. I have volunteered in five CSD schools and served on numerous bond and levy committees for 30 years. This is the first and only time I have had second thoughts regarding a bond.  I want what is best for our students but I also want it to be affordable for all. I think a closer look at Mr. Johns’ suggestions would be beneficial. An $11 million bond for more classrooms is much more sensible.

Debi Roccanova



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