Cheney students deserve better

Letters to the Editor

I am writing to encourage the residents of Cheney School District to get behind our kids and vote “Yes” to rerun the bond for the remodel of Cheney High School.

We only had 30 percent of our voters turn out for this election.

Our kids need you to mail in your ballot. It’s like not turning in your homework when you only have to mark one little circle. It is not hard!

Having a child in the high school, I have to say sitting on the floor in the hall to eat your lunch because there is no room in the cafeteria, is not only germy and disgusting, but also sad. Our kids deserve better than that.

Also, walking outside to get to class is not safe. Many school districts in our area have remodeled their schools to have a single entrance so that they can control who goes in and out for security. We need to do the same. Our kids deserve to feel that same safety as they go throughout their day.   

Take a look around the next time you are driving by the high school at the start or end of school, it really is a traffic nightmare.

A remodel will provide for better traffic flow that will benefit not only the new drivers at the high school but also Betz Elementary next door.

The key is this: We were only a couple hundred people short of filling in a dot! It is time to stand up for our kids’ future.

Please take the time to find out the facts, get involved, and vote. Our kids need us to help provide them a brighter future.

Lisa Koohns



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