ML students get Lion's share of tribute

40th annual Lion's Club Youth Appreciation Night honors students from schools across the ML district


Staff Reporter

The Medical Lake Lion's Club honored 31 students of all ages from schools across the district during the 40th annual Youth Appreciation Night, May 19 at Medical Lake High School.

Lion's project chair Dan Mueller introduced the ceremony with a review of the event's history, recounting how in 1970 Lion's member Ozzie Miller proposed that something be done to credit students who exemplify citizenship and service to their schools and their community. “We've been going strong with this ever since,” Mueller said.

Mueller then handed the stage to a stream of teachers from Hallett Elementary, Michael Anderson Elementary, Medical Lake Middle School, Medical Lake Alternative High School and MLHS. Teachers summed up their reasons for nominating the students and gave kudos to the kids' first-class qualities. Following the ceremony, four honorees were chosen by drawing to receive prepaid $50 gift cards, courtesy of the Lion's Club.

Lion's membership chairman Jerry Flood told the group of parents gathered at the ceremony to be proud of their children. “It is you who have provided us with these good citizens, these great people,” he said.

Award recipients are as follows:

Sabrina Earle, Alysa Johnson, Kaitlyn Lang, Donna Schrock, Jessica Carpenter, Taylor Elder, Ronnie Flores, Ashly Padgett, Jesse Bartholomew, Andrew Campbell, Nicole King, Kylie Tareski, Richard Aley, Cody Greene, Nicole Hudson and Nick Pacheco from MLHS.

Angie Nielson from MLAHS.

Madison Michaelis, Tamar Goldberg, John Michael Pineda, Sierra Glassburner, Molly Ryan, Matt Petersen, Ashleigh Schulz and Robert Morrison from MLMS.

Galen Gardner and Jenna Lee from MAE.

Haley Brown, Katelyn Pruitt, Jeremy Ryan and Rayann McIntyre from Hallett.

Ryan Lancaster can be reached at


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